Essential Snow Management Tips for Commercial Office Buildings

As a commercial office building owner or manager, maintaining a clean, safe, and comfortable working environment is a top priority. This becomes increasingly challenging during the winter months, as harsh weather conditions, including snow and ice, can significantly impact your property’s safety, accessibility, and overall productivity. Therefore, having an effective snow management plan is crucial in ensuring that your commercial office space remains a safe and appealing place for your tenants and visitors all year round.

One primary concern during the winter season, particularly in St. Louis, is the accumulation of snow and ice around commercial office buildings. Snow and ice can pose serious risks if left unattended and untreated, such as slip and fall accidents, decreased visibility, and access problems for employees, clients, and service providers. Additionally, improper snow removal techniques can lead to costly property damage or liability issues for your business. To help you prepare for the inevitable winter weather, we’ve compiled essential snow management tips for commercial office buildings.

Revisiting Your Snow Management Plan

A proactive approach to snow management starts with an effective and well-structured snow management plan. Before the winter season begins, revisit your existing plan to identify any areas that require improvement or updating. Elements to consider in your plan include:

  • Identifying high-traffic areas that need priority attention
  • Choosing appropriate materials for de-icing and snow removal
  • Selecting a reputable and experienced commercial snow removal service
  • Establishing a communication strategy to keep tenants and visitors informed

Having a solid plan in place allows you to be prepared for winter weather events and ensures the safety and accessibility of your property throughout the season.

Optimal De-Icing Material Selection and Application

Applying ice-melting products on your walkways and parking lots can be an effective strategy to counter ice accumulation during winter. It’s crucial to select the correct type of de-icing material depending on your location, climate, and surfaces. Typically, commercial office buildings utilize materials such as rock salt, calcium chloride, or alternative eco-friendly options.

While all de-icing materials can help melt ice, each has unique advantages and drawbacks. For instance, rock salt is affordable but can harm vegetation and corrode concrete over time. On the other hand, calcium chloride may be more expensive, but it functions at lower temperatures and is less damaging to the environment.

Consult with your commercial snow removal contractor to determine the right de-icing materials for your specific needs and application intervals. Proper use of de-icing materials ensures a safer and more sustainable property.

Snow and Ice Removal Techniques and Equipment

Utilizing proper snow and ice removal techniques can make a significant difference in your property’s safety and appearance. Manual shoveling is commonly known, but it can be time-consuming and physically demanding, making it less efficient for large commercial office buildings. Professional removal companies are equipped with high-tech machinery such as snow plows, snow blowers, and skid-steers to ensure that your snow removal process is efficient and thorough.

Furthermore, specialized snow and ice removal equipment designed to clear distinct surfaces like sidewalks, driveways, and roofs are also available. Your commercial snow removal contractor can guide you on the most effective methods and machinery for your specific property, ensuring that you’ll be able to maintain a safe environment throughout the winter season.

Regular Inspection and Maintenance

Monitoring and maintaining your property helps identify potential problem areas that may need attention during the winter months. This includes inspecting your roofing, gutters, and drains for debris accumulation that can lead to ice dams. Additionally, make sure to check sidewalks and ramps for cracks or uneven surfaces that can pose greater risks when covered in ice or snow.

Schedule regular property inspections – at least twice per month – to identify and address any safety hazards before they worsen. Moreover, establish a routine of cleaning and maintaining all areas to prevent property damage and liability issues.


Snow management is an ongoing process that requires diligence, planning, and resourcefulness on the part of commercial office building owners and managers. By following the essential tips outlined above, you can create a safer and more comfortable environment for all who work in or visit your property. Being prepared and staying proactive in your snow management efforts can also lead to long-term cost savings by avoiding expensive repairs due to improper techniques or untreated ice and snow hazards.

Partnering with a professional and reliable commercial snow and ice management company, such as Snow Control Team, ensures that you have expert assistance in navigating the challenges of the winter season. Their experience and knowledge can provide valuable insights on the most effective and efficient methods for maintaining your property during these challenging months. Take the initiative now and start preparing your commercial office space for the inevitable winter weather. Reach out to a trusted provider of snow and ice management services to discuss your requirements and develop a comprehensive plan to secure the safety and well-being of your tenants and visitors this winter season.


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Snow Control Team

Systematic Snow & Ice Management for commercial properties requiring a zero tolerance level of service with predictable budgeting.


541 Old State Road
Ellisville, MO 63021
(314) 649-4000

Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM


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